I discovered the put it on the calendar trick recently, and it helps me not overcommit myself! And remember to make time for things like doing my own taxes 😁

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Thanks, Taylor,

And YES to not overcommitting yourself. I need to actually see whitespace on my calendar, so I'm pretty selective about what I add.

Ditto on the taxes 😉

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Thanks for writing this. I've judged myself over and over again for the "imperfect start" I had after quitting my good government job back in 1985 to work from home. As a single parent, it was absolutely important for me to greet my daughter when she got home from school. But I didn't know squat about running a business and made some big financial bloopers. Perhaps I'll write about it some day (I'm on Medium for now) once I work up the courage.

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You're so welcome.

For what it's worth, it took me a while to build up the courage to write about some of this. I've carried a lot of shame & judgment (also a single parent) because of lack of knowledge, societal conditioning, etc.

I truly believe it's never too late. 😊

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I'm on a similar path. I think there's room for all types of wisdom at the financial table. Listen to your intuition on what is right for you.

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Thanks, Deidre,

I agree. We need different types of wisdom (love that) - especially in an industry that can be pretty tone-deaf and dated. These days, I lean into my intuition first (one of the benefits of hitting midlife!).

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I’ve said this to you before… one of your strongest abilities is the flexibility you have to make pivots and switches to best accommodate your end goal. 💪

It’s so helpful to see you do this! It reminds me that life’s path is neither straight nor crystal clear and that’s the fun when you view it correctly!

Thank you for this post, Kim soooo very helpful!!!

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Thank you, Karen!

I so appreciate you saying that... it's easy to judge the pivots, but if we truly believe in what we're doing and have clarity around our purpose, we have to honor ourselves and listen to what feels right.

Thank you, my friend. 🥰

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Thank you for starting this newsletter! I can't count the times that "still small voice" has told me to start sorting out my finances and get on top of things this week - this month - ok, even this year! I look forward to the support I know I'm going to find here.

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You're so welcome, Vicki. 😊

I'm incredibly excited about this journey and shining the light on things that never needed to be in the dark in the first place.

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